Happy Friday friends! I don’t know about you but I’m VERY ready for the weekend – clocks are going forward, we’re due a heatwave next week and I could really do with a couple of lazy days.

Last year, we kicked off the book club which I have with a few of my friends every month – not only does it give us all the motivation to read, it’s meant that we’re reading lots of different books, which I guess is the whole point. With uni work and writing coming out of my ears, I have to read a shit tonne each month and whilst I’m still not the quickest reader, I haven’t done too badly with the start of this year. Here’s what I’ve been reading:

Educated by Tara Westover

We kicked off the year with a memoir and unexpectedly I really really loved this one. Educated is told by Tara who recounts her childhood and overcomes her survivalist Mormon family in order to go to college. The memoir was beautifully written, insightful, heart-breaking and gripping throughout. I’m excited to discover more memoirs like it.

Salt Slow by Julia Armfield

As part of my master’s degree, I have to read and write a load of short stories, something that I hadn’t ever really read before. My collection is growing but I was drawn to ‘Salt Slow’ mainly because of the beaut front cover, but also because the collection covered the stories of women and their experiences in society, mapping their bodies through experiences of isolation, obsession and love. I’ll be honest, I didn’t love all of the stories and at times it felt a little bit of a slog – it may have been a little too gothic for me. That said, one that did stick was the ‘Great Awake’ and I’d definitely recommend getting your hands on the collection, just for that one.

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

I think this might have been my favourite read so far this year – I did it in a week which is pretty good for me. The writing style is quick and witty and the character development is by far the best I’ve read for a murder mystery. The story follows four OAPs that meet every week to discuss unsolved murders until a property developer is suddenly found dead. The gang, led by sassy Elizabeth, get started to solve the crime. You definitely need to be able to follow the book as there’s a fair few characters but that’s easily done with the short chapters and change in perspective. A must read, I’d say.

Our Stop by Laura Jane Williams

It had been a while since I’d read a rom-com like ‘Our Stop’ but I loved it. An easy read about Nadia and Daniel, the unlikely couple that test fate when Daniel see’s Nadia on the 7:30 tube to work. Catching his eye, Daniel posts an anonymous message in the newspaper to let Nadia know that he fancies her. Will they ever meet? A modern romance of near-misses and true love. Perfect for a holiday or summer read!

Fifty Fifty by Steve Cavanagh

A true ‘who-dunnit’ which kept us all guessing throughout. Fifty Fifty follows the case of two sisters who are accused of having murdered their father. Both say the other one did it. I really enjoyed, it was slow in parts as it does cover a lot of the lawyer’s point of view (which I found less interesting) but it definitely grips you towards the end – I didn’t want to put it down. A really good crime novel with some fantastic twists. Give it a go.


As you know, in order to read a few more short stories, I’ve also been working my way through ‘Listening in’ by Jenny Eclair which is a collection of every day short stories and also got my hands on a few of the mini Faber stories and having read ‘Mr Salary’ by Sally Rooney, I’m excited to read a few more – they are perfect for a quick read and was sad that ‘Mr Salary’ ended so soon!

My reading list is getting a littleeeeee out of hand but really really enjoying the escape. What are you reading? Send your recommendations my way!


Author: rheawarren

31. London. Lifestyle Blogger. Toddler Mum. Addicted to coffee and cakes. Occasionally read a book or two.

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